Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Story line ~ Nalla, Vishous and Jane.... whaaaa?

Hello, dearest Challa's.  

This Storyline was voted on by the Fans of the Fan Page for their favorite Storyline in a two week period.  Read on and see exactly why.

Jane Ghardian 
*Pressing the numbers on the microwave to the directed time to get the popcorn popping, I pull out a bowl for it. You come out of the bedroom with a grin on your face.* Vishous, here can you carry this in there? *I smile as you take the tray full of drinks and candy. Popcorn should be ready in just a sec. The microwave beeps just as there is a faint knock on the door.* That must be her. *I can't keep the excitement from my voice. I hear you head for the door as I pour the popcorn in the bowl and grab the dvd off the counter.*

Vishous Ghardian
*Glancing at my computer screen just to make sure it is Nalla and grinning as I see her tiny form standing behind the door along with Bella's.* Just a minute...*Quickly crossing the room and opening the door before pretending to fall over as Nalla jumps on top of me. Flashing a fangy grin up at her* Ooomph, you got me kiddo. *Hearing Jane laugh as she walks over to greet our guest.*

Nalla Ghardian
*jumping into Uncle V's arms* I told Mahmen that I could use my door but she said no I had to knock and go in the big people door. *whispering in your ear* Sometime Mahmen should go through that door because it's fun! *seeing Aunt Jane* Aunt Jane, I smell popcorn! *squealing in excitement, then turning to Mahmen* I got this Mahmen, thank you for walking me down. I love you! *reaching to kiss her goodbye* See you later alligator! *turning to Uncle and Aunt Jane* What movie are we watching?

Jane Ghardian
*I hold up the DVD and flash the cover.* Despicable Me.* I bend down to whisper to you.* I think uncle V will like better than a princess movie. If we go too girlie it might put him in a bad mood. *I stand back up.* I also think he will really like this one. Hey, did you bring your unicorn? *In a silly high pitched voice* So fluffy. *I giggle along with you.*

Vishous Ghardian
*Looking at Jane and then at Nalla* You two have lost your minds true? *Smirking as I hear Nalla laugh and carry her over to the couch. Grabbing the DVD from Jane and putting it in the DVD player before grabbing the various remotes and heading back. Grabbing a handful of popcorn as I look at the two of you.* where do I sit? *Smirking as I watch Nalla pat the seat next to her as I take a seat. Hearing Jane say how it's a Nalla sandwich as I grab the first remote and dim the lights, then the next remote turns on the suround sound and the TV. Finally pressing play on the remote for the DVD and sitting back, grabbing a handfull of Popcorn and flinging a piece into the air. Trying to catch it with my mouth as the previews play on the screen.*

Nalla Ghardian
*sitting between Uncle and Aunt Jane, handing a piece of popcorn back to Uncle because he missed his mouth* Uncle, you are really making a mess. If George were here he could clean that up for you. *turning back to the movie and singing along* I'm having a bad bad day...*turning to Aunt Jane* I think Dr. Gru just needs a hug and driving lessons. He doesn't park very well at all.

Jane Ghardian
No he doesn't. I sure wish I had a freeze ray some days. Would make so much easier. *I reach down and grab a box of m&m's and offer Nalla gummies. I smile as I look down and see her mouthing the words along with the movie. I smirk at hearing V laugh as Gru pops the little kids balloon. Yea, he's gonna really like this one.* Candy, V?

Vishous Ghardian
*Tilting my head towards Jane as I keep my eyes on the screen.* Hmm? *Hearing as Jane shakes the M&M's and say Candy? I shake my head and grab some more popcorn.* Aw man I want to go to the evil bank, that place looks awesome. *Groaning as some little weezley guy comes on the screen and tries to talk to steve carells character* He should use the freeze ray on that whimp. *Nearly choking on my popcorn as a few minutes later that's exactly what happens. Holding my hands up and having to stop a laugh as Nalla looks up at me with her yellow eyes and scrunches her nose* "Shhh Uncle V no talking during the movie." *Jane and I stealing a quick glance before I whisper back* I'm sorry.

Nalla Ghardian
*shaking my head at you and then turning to Aunt Jane* Doesn't he know he shouldn't talk during the movie? You can sing along with the songs but you can't talk. That's the rules. *watching them shrink a elephant, whispering to Aunt Jane* Look it's so tiny and cute. I wonder if they have little peanuts to feed it. I would name him Biggie. He looks like a Biggie to me.

Jane Ghardian
*Whispering to Nalla* I think Biggie is a perfect name. *Watching a as the dorky guy steals the shrink ray from Gru and turn my head quickly as V says "What the fffffff*noticing my glare* fffish sticks?" I can't hold in my laughter.* Fish sticks? Really? *Nalla shushes us and we both eye each other before turning back to the screen.*

Vishous Ghardian
*Chuckling as I hear Nalla say "that place has nothing on the manse" in reference to the nerdy guy's fortress. Watching as the three cookie girls get through and have the same idea as Gru. Use the little girls to get the shrink ray back. Laughing out loud as the old man makes boogie robots and watching Nalla shake a bit in her seat to the disco music*

Nalla Ghardian
*looking at Uncle V* Do you think you could make little dancing robots like that? *turning back to the screen, laying my head on Aunt Jane's shoulder, eating popcorn* I'm glad we don't have a shark around the manse. I don't like sharks they are scary. I don't like that the girls didn't have a real home before Dr. Gru had them live with him. *sighing deeply* But they are happy now and that's all that matters.

Jane Ghardian
*I laugh as the little girls scream at the sight of the amusement park and Gru saying "Light Bulb". I lean down to Nalla and whisper.* This is my favorite part. *We watch as they ride the ride, then Agnes sees the big unicorn. Nalla and I both say the line together "He's so fluffy I'm gonna die." We laugh and I see V roll his eyes. We watch as the girls play to try and win the unicorn. When they lose. I smirk at the grin on V's face as Gru says "My turn" and brings out his big gun.*

Vishous Ghardian
*Laughing as the cheat carnie gives the unicorn to the little girl. Raising a brow as the old man gives Gru the fifth degree about the shrink ray and the girls, thinking this can't be good. Laughing at the mom who just says "eh" and smirking as everyone gives gru money to make the rocket he's always wanted.*

Nalla Ghardian
*holding on to Aunt Jane as the lady from the home comes and picks up the girls* I don't like that part. I want the girls to stay with Gru. He loves them even though he doesn't know it yet. *turning and looking right at you* Auntie, how can he not know he loves them? We know he does. *settling back on your shoulder* Look Gru has a pink space suit. Uncle would you wear a pink space suit?

Jane Ghardian
*I bend down and whisper to Nalla* Don't worry we know they all end up happy, true? Shows that love comes in all kinds of forms. *I poke V* even the really grouchy ones. *We continue to watch for a while. We see Gru get the moon, then remember the girls. He finds they are missing and rescues them. As the end of the movie comes and the music starts to play Nalla jumps up and starts dancing.*

Vishous Ghardian
*Shaking my head as Nalla asks me to dance before she looks at Jane. Sitting back and taking a sip of my goose as I watch Jane and Nalla dance and laugh together. Watching how good Jane is with the young gets me to thinking....well thinking about a lot of shit true.* Alright...I'll admit that was a good movie....might be willing to see the sequel when it comes out true?

Nalla Ghardian
*jumping up and down and all around with Aunt Jane, then grabbing Uncle V's hand and pulling him off the sofa* Come on dance Uncle V!! *smiling wide at your grin as you get off the sofa and dance with Aunt Jane and I. Movie night at Aunt Jane and Uncle V's is the BEST EVER*~


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